Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Adrian Tomine

I am one of the hundreds of young people who have a love and lust for comic books. I just found out that Adrian the author of optic nerve and other awesome things is coming to london on the 3rd of Febuary for a singing at GOSH Comics! HOLY FUCK is all that can be said.

For the past few years I have rigiously collected optic nerve and fell head over heels with the awkard dialouge and stories that make you feel like a voyuer in to real lives. When Shortcomings came out, that last three issues of ON but in graphic novel form and summing up the whole story of character Ben Tanaka and his relationships and lifes I read it in two hours, and then read istagain. I cried at Adrians representation of romantic relationships and related that my own fucked up views and feeling about them to his work.

also the fact that this was created by him makes me love his art:

I highly recommend getting into Optic Nerve and venturing to Gosh. (I'm skipping my third year class to just see him, This is more important than pop punk.) If you can't start at issue one then get shortcomings or his collection of early works and odd bits. You won't be dissapointed!


Thursday, 22 January 2009

Perfect...now all we need is Kris'

21.01.09 Kris Roe Acoustic, Queen Charlotte Norwich

Last night was more than my inner geek could of imagined. Kris Roe perfoming most of the tracks from 'Blue Skies, broken hearts, next 12 exists' . The above picture was taken an hour after the show, after waiting around for kris to sell merch and singing 30 second punk songs very loudly in a shambolic way whilst getting 'in formation' for the picture.

'the radio plays a love song.I smash my fist right through the dial.here's to the broken hearted.a generation born in denial.'

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Hold on spider monkey

As suspected I severely slacked on updating this, my week before term and the first week have been and gone. My life is amazing right now. I've been 'partying hard' (not really but felt the need to go out in first week and spend time with my boyfriend and friends)
Milkbar, Last Thursday, Po Na Na's Norwich. After the carrier show at the Marquee where we sold cakes and zines and I realised I have no time for a lot of people.

I found out that I got 2.1 in all my art history assements for last terms module on early Greek and roman art which will hopefully bring up my average. (one resolution already met). What would Henry Rollins Do? is slowly getting there, its all made now we just need people to actually buy the thing. I'm not going to rant about the state of the scene or any issues about what punk and DIY is but please dont complain about the lack of community when you wont even buy something that is less than a t-shirt that will make you look cool and a lot more interesting. oh wait that was a rant.

My mood towards uni has completely shifted again now I've started classes.Modules I'm taking for my term are quite interesting; contemporary drama and film, American art and photography. Both I think summarize what I've learnt in my last 5 years of higher education. All of a sudden it doesn't feel so much of a waste. Again give it three weeks. The first module require the reading of two plays a week and this has already got my imagination and mind excited. I already recommend:
and play or film by Mike Leigh. Topsy Turvy if you feel you are up for it perhaps.

Also perhaps a less academic book referral but this:Yes the target audience of this is confused 13 year old angst ridden teenagers who perhaps found a CD of boys wearing eyeliner and features a storyline that can only be described as a vampire love story but this appeals to my inner teenager and I enjoy letting out that side of me (perhaps more than I should). But honestly this book and the film are wonderful verging on terrible but still wonderful and produce lines like 'you are my personal brand heroin' and 'that's my monkey man'! Also the film features
Beautiful. I am going again this afternoon to see it again and cry with laughter at how this film would do been in my dream 7 years ago!

Also Lonewolves have just been signed to Thirty Days of Night which as awesome for them and for you as they are a Rad band. go check them out: www.myspace.com/lonewolvesuk !


Also listen to
Darkest Hour-undoing Ruin
As i lay dying- through shadows and security
Gold Kids

Thursday, 8 January 2009

What Would Henry Rollins Do?

Its a question I'm sure everyone has on their minds at least once in a life time. And If you don't know Henry Rollins is I'm not sure I want you reading my blog. However for those that do an awesome new Zine is in the works by an awesome person and with contributions from myself, Friends and awesome bands means its shaping up to be a rad project. So check it out, not to sound like a cliched hardcore kid but- Support the DIY scene!

www. myspace. com/wwhrdzine

and the blog it all started from
www. whatwouldhenryrollinsdo. wordpress. com


Monday, 5 January 2009

Lepisma saccharina

The fish moth, urban silverfish, or just silverfish.

These things are currently residing in my student house bathroom. The one that is next to my bedroom. They have lived there for as long as I have been in this house and no matter how many attempts I squash their friends and place a heater in the room to dry them out they still like to taunt me and make my skin crawl.


You Should Listen to...


An uplifting record that you can't help listen, shake and smile to.
Give it a chance

Sunday, 4 January 2009


‘So another year came and a lot more changed. I had to rearrange my plan faced new obstacles and conquered hurdles and still I think I can. ’

A positive start to a new year is not something I am use to but the feeling is something I could learn to live with. Despite having to travel four hours/working at a bar New Years was rad times. Spending the first two hours at work would not be an idle place but still kept a smile on my face. Then many failed attempts at finding parties saw myself, Tom, Apryl, Aaron and Wes in my room laughing a drunk teddy bear like figure and discussing 'friends family and loyalty' haha.Four Hours sleep later a Road Trip with Tom and Apryl to meet Jack then go see the Steal:

The Steal - 'Kids With Kids' / 'The Steal'
A Tour Starting on New Years Day is a heavy task for sure but this show was a perfect setting for a new year and set the tone for hopefully things to come. After this seeing the new year was spent amazingly but that's all I have to say about that.

So Now I'm back in Norwich with a week left until term starts and everyone arrives (six days!) the plan is to organise/get on top of the work load and life so I can get a 2.1 and be 18 grand in debt for something. Also looking forward to turning 21, spending times with be bests, only leading one life this year and being happy. To be a cliché I’ve made resolutions however these are not the usual middle aged ones that get broken by February but rather small things I want to see happen in my life that I slacked on severely not only last year but the year before.

1. Go to the Cinema once a week.
This was influenced by a Christmas present of a cinema gift card by a relative. As a Film Student I should be making the effort to see films and ignoring that I am generally a geek not only about watching films but going to the cinema itself as an experience. Watching Australia on Boxing Day made reminded me of this with its resemblance to early twentieth century epics like Gone With the Wind.

2. Read more, for leisure.
This semester I’m taking contemporary drama theory that requires me to read a play a week on top of this there will be the extensive art reading for American photography but I wish to set aside at half an hour a day, maybe before bed or just instead of watching the Paul o’ Grady show to reading a book non course related. People really don’t read enough and I do not wish to be one of them.

3. Go to the gym
So yes I am a cliché in terms of this but at least I’m already a member. However when I was stressed the gym helped me to just forget and I do occasionally join it. This resolution is a joint one with my friend Andrea so it should be easier to obtain.

4. Visit friends.
I never made much of an effort with this which is a horrible thing to say but after college your friends disburse and you get into the loop of only seeing them on break. Hull is my first stop for sure and then Leeds for everyone I never got to see in the past years! Also even the people In Norwich that I hardly see. However I also want to spend more time with those that I already do. Lazy days!

5. Volunteer at a women’s shelter or non profit organisation.
Providing I can find one in Norwich non profits were and still are a big art of my life since summer and to just be there once a week I will a) feel more fulfilled within my self, b) know I have helped c) got out of the house.

6. Food shop.
This will aid me in eating better, but actually buying proper food will force me too cook meals that are not stir frys and pasta ( albeit tasty). Basically stop being a student that I reverted to last semester! Also bin the smash packet that's on my shelf.

7. Apply for come dine with me
More of a dream then a resolution but it must happen, bringing good vegan food to the masses.

8. Fuck this country.
With Copenhagen’09, Las Vegas ’09, Portland ’09 on horizon this should be easy to do however Money permitting I would also like to see more of America, Europe and eventually see Africa and Asia. This might be a life resolution rather than a year one.

9.Pass my course.
so yeah actually do my course related reading and essay in time and don’t let personal issues such as heartbreak and mind fucks ruin ANOTHER semester and my future.

Records of the year will follow later.
So here's to a new beginnings you fucks!