Academically its week ten which means I have two weeks left of my university career (not counting exam period after Easter!). This apprehension and worry is causing me to be a terrible person around and even near to falling asleep when out:
Mustard: POW 21st March 2009However despite the deadlines things are looking good. Over a week ago I went over to Hope and Glory in Swaffham for their 'Friday the 13th special' of half price tattoos and got my ribs done. the piece is near to fully heeled and I'm pretty pleased after a week nearly of being an invalid. The sun seems to appearing and the days are getting longer. I have a lot of books for casual reading that I'm look forward to laying down near the lake on campus and reading and some good things are coming up in may like bad brains, kimya dawson and museum trips.
This week I'm spending everyday in the library ten am to ten pm or possibly later (god love the late shifts at my library now as there is no way i can work at home) to get one essay done and hopefully by Thursday start on the art one. A first for me actually starting essays before the usual two day panic lets see if it actually works as I have always sworn I am one of those people that can only work due to stress. Another reason for the extensive time in the library is the fact our university 'square' is nearly finished which means drunken football societies at 2pm sitting there shouting chants whilst girls in gilets, ugg boots and rip off denim skirts do their make up. I am anti-social but these people are generally idiots and the ones who celebrate St Patrick's day when they have no Irish connection at all but still attempt to insist on one just so they can drink Guinness until their eyes bleed.
Rant over. Its 1.30 am and I'm about to what batman.
Rant over. Its 1.30 am and I'm about to what batman.
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