Sunday 12 April 2009

Fuck YOUR Life

The virgin internet in my house has been cut off again, fourth time now. We havn't paid the bill again and can't until our housemate comes back from america. This means no 4od in bed, no wasting hours on pointless internet sites and no blooging. oh well.

If anyone cares about my life then its still based around academia. One more essay to go, two days left and still no actual word count. On top of that I just uttered the words 'red bull really worked, I can write now'. Studying at Tom's house with apryl, and then This is Hell tonight. Nice to know I have my priorties straight, then tomorrow a visit from the north (my parents) are doing an 8 hour round trip just spend the easter bank holiday with me. viva north and viva student life and not paying bills.

One Last Point: 'FML' should only be used if your life is actually at a critical bad state ,not just if your middle class life is boring you.

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