My sister> yours.
Thursday, 30 April 2009
I'm nothing without my influences.
My sister> yours.
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
All Style And No Substance, You're Flesh Without Bone
I'm pretty sure Dolce and Gobanna are using my univeristy as a backdrop for a fashion shoot.
There is a link I could make about fafshion and brutalist archtecture being a post modern statement but I really don't want to be that pretencious. I'm already and Art history student. But look out for this kinda thing in the next issue of Vouge:
D&G ♥ concrete.
Monday, 20 April 2009
Cringey Geek out
whilst follwoing mark hoppus and Chad Gilbert on twitter and I saw this:
New Found Glory and Comic Books. Two of the best things in my life

New Found Glory and Comic Books. Two of the best things in my life
Fix Me
I am sorry to fill you internetz page with this sight but this is what happens when someone has uncordinated as myself wears her housemates square brouges and attempts to walk across aroad when leaving mustard lounge. Its not smart and It's not clever.
I am currently sat with a numb mouth but thankfully a full one of straight teeth now thanks to the UEA medical surgery.
lesson learnt from this kids- look both ways
lesson learnt from this kids- look both ways
Sunday, 19 April 2009
All your artists are just servants of the status quo
From this:

My essay got finished after much procrastination and help from apryl who proof read my work and assured me it wasn't as bad as I thought. So that's it, no more essays just revision for three exams, until I start my teaching certificate. Above is an attempt to organise my time for the next few weeks for revision purposes. Okay so all the blank spaces are for when I should be revising and the only bits with writing in ah commitments not academic based- i.e workings, shows, friends.
The day of handing in my essay was also the day of Apryl's 21st and Jack coming back from Essex to visit. I rushed to sort my life, her presents and room out for everyone visiting. Tom and Apryl and Jack eventually, came round to eat the cake I made and so I could give apryl her presents. After a few hours in which tampryl went home and me and jack slept on my sofa whilst watching hollyoaks we got picked up and headed to pulse for a birthday meal a drink at the bell. I use to spend alot of time in pulse but nandos has taken over so was nice to eat good food and see some close friends, and Wes being drunk is usually a good sight too. The next day was spent was Jack and James looking at book shops and eating food. The good weather has an effect on my eating habits which you will notice later on. Jack went home, which even though he will ridicule me for this sucks, we spend everyday days together at uni, and when its the holidays we have a month apart from each other. The space is good, and with exams we both need to concentrate but It means I miss him alot.
That night we went to Mustard after eating and watching The Inbetweeners. Charlotte and Georgia were both back from London so I got to see them briefly. I'm not one to write too much personal stuff in public blogs but I am saying this- that night at mustard made me evaluate a lot of things. Since coming back from America a lot of things have changed, some which I'd positively never thought would happened to me. These have had positive and negative effects and I let some get out of control. I'm pretty much over every thing now and have no desire to let it effect me like it did.
After mustard the next day started a theme of meeting with friends in the moderate warmth (its England so therefore its actually not that sunny but we like to pretend) for casual chats, drinks or lunch. Saturday me and James went to pulse then yesterday me and John went to the mad moose for a 'Sunday roast a pint' being vegan this meant a sandwich of tomatoes and olives and juice but it was still enjoyable and good to actually hang out with him seeing as its quite rare despite being so close.
The rest of the week equals working various gigs including propaghandi-sadly tonight is Deathstars- revising in the library and missing JP.
The day of handing in my essay was also the day of Apryl's 21st and Jack coming back from Essex to visit. I rushed to sort my life, her presents and room out for everyone visiting. Tom and Apryl and Jack eventually, came round to eat the cake I made and so I could give apryl her presents. After a few hours in which tampryl went home and me and jack slept on my sofa whilst watching hollyoaks we got picked up and headed to pulse for a birthday meal a drink at the bell. I use to spend alot of time in pulse but nandos has taken over so was nice to eat good food and see some close friends, and Wes being drunk is usually a good sight too. The next day was spent was Jack and James looking at book shops and eating food. The good weather has an effect on my eating habits which you will notice later on. Jack went home, which even though he will ridicule me for this sucks, we spend everyday days together at uni, and when its the holidays we have a month apart from each other. The space is good, and with exams we both need to concentrate but It means I miss him alot.
That night we went to Mustard after eating and watching The Inbetweeners. Charlotte and Georgia were both back from London so I got to see them briefly. I'm not one to write too much personal stuff in public blogs but I am saying this- that night at mustard made me evaluate a lot of things. Since coming back from America a lot of things have changed, some which I'd positively never thought would happened to me. These have had positive and negative effects and I let some get out of control. I'm pretty much over every thing now and have no desire to let it effect me like it did.
After mustard the next day started a theme of meeting with friends in the moderate warmth (its England so therefore its actually not that sunny but we like to pretend) for casual chats, drinks or lunch. Saturday me and James went to pulse then yesterday me and John went to the mad moose for a 'Sunday roast a pint' being vegan this meant a sandwich of tomatoes and olives and juice but it was still enjoyable and good to actually hang out with him seeing as its quite rare despite being so close.
The rest of the week equals working various gigs including propaghandi-sadly tonight is Deathstars- revising in the library and missing JP.
Sunday, 12 April 2009
Fuck YOUR Life
The virgin internet in my house has been cut off again, fourth time now. We havn't paid the bill again and can't until our housemate comes back from america. This means no 4od in bed, no wasting hours on pointless internet sites and no blooging. oh well.
If anyone cares about my life then its still based around academia. One more essay to go, two days left and still no actual word count. On top of that I just uttered the words 'red bull really worked, I can write now'. Studying at Tom's house with apryl, and then This is Hell tonight. Nice to know I have my priorties straight, then tomorrow a visit from the north (my parents) are doing an 8 hour round trip just spend the easter bank holiday with me. viva north and viva student life and not paying bills.
One Last Point: 'FML' should only be used if your life is actually at a critical bad state ,not just if your middle class life is boring you.
If anyone cares about my life then its still based around academia. One more essay to go, two days left and still no actual word count. On top of that I just uttered the words 'red bull really worked, I can write now'. Studying at Tom's house with apryl, and then This is Hell tonight. Nice to know I have my priorties straight, then tomorrow a visit from the north (my parents) are doing an 8 hour round trip just spend the easter bank holiday with me. viva north and viva student life and not paying bills.
One Last Point: 'FML' should only be used if your life is actually at a critical bad state ,not just if your middle class life is boring you.
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
Dear Portland...
... I couldn't miss you any more right now if I tired.

I got my essay finished, had my last ever class of my undergraduate study, went to mustard two consecutative nights in a row, slept, slacked off and am now back in the library for a week focusing on the FSA photographers and the effects of it. Then thats it no more essays, just three exams and into the real world.
I just wish my plans of moving back to america this summer were possible and I could spend my days walking orbit the office greyound, working for the best organisation ever, eating voodoo doughnuts and buying records on 2nd ave. Instead I need to dramatically plan my life so I don't end up in retail.

I just wish my plans of moving back to america this summer were possible and I could spend my days walking orbit the office greyound, working for the best organisation ever, eating voodoo doughnuts and buying records on 2nd ave. Instead I need to dramatically plan my life so I don't end up in retail.
Saturday, 28 March 2009
How Useful are Terms such as ‘the post-dramatic’ or ‘post-modernism’ for an understanding of Attempts on her life? pt II
Instead of enjoying my essay I am enjoying oskri cocunut bars and chocolate crispy rice bar by doves farm- helathy organic junk food that will still make me obease and diet red bull as I can't deal with sugar AND caffinee! You knowits the last week of education when meals are thrown out of the window to what ever is on offer in the UFO (my universites food outlet) that is vegan permitting. It's 4pm- I leave the library in five hours for a 4.5 hour shift at the waterfront tonight for meltdown night-were the only solace I seek in this is getting to make stupid requests for the resident DJ who will not play anything expect King of Leon.
Friday, 27 March 2009
How Useful are Terms such as ‘the post-dramatic’ or ‘post-modernism’ for an understanding of Attempts on her life?
Univeristy- 'an institution of learning of the highest level'.
An instiution that grinds you down until you all you can think about is the contradiction of terms like 'postmodernism. And wondering if you can turn around in an essay and just write:'technically to deconstruct and analise a post modernist text then the text can no longer be postmodern dueto its values and ideals that prevent bourgeouis academic criticism. therefore Shove your essay question'.
Right now I want univeristy and my academic life to be over with, have a 2.1 (this isprobably not going to happen) and spend my days listening to further seems forever albums and walk around Pompano Beach like in this video:
An instiution that grinds you down until you all you can think about is the contradiction of terms like 'postmodernism. And wondering if you can turn around in an essay and just write:'technically to deconstruct and analise a post modernist text then the text can no longer be postmodern dueto its values and ideals that prevent bourgeouis academic criticism. therefore Shove your essay question'.
Right now I want univeristy and my academic life to be over with, have a 2.1 (this isprobably not going to happen) and spend my days listening to further seems forever albums and walk around Pompano Beach like in this video:
Monday, 23 March 2009
Academically its week ten which means I have two weeks left of my university career (not counting exam period after Easter!). This apprehension and worry is causing me to be a terrible person around and even near to falling asleep when out:
Mustard: POW 21st March 2009However despite the deadlines things are looking good. Over a week ago I went over to Hope and Glory in Swaffham for their 'Friday the 13th special' of half price tattoos and got my ribs done. the piece is near to fully heeled and I'm pretty pleased after a week nearly of being an invalid. The sun seems to appearing and the days are getting longer. I have a lot of books for casual reading that I'm look forward to laying down near the lake on campus and reading and some good things are coming up in may like bad brains, kimya dawson and museum trips.
This week I'm spending everyday in the library ten am to ten pm or possibly later (god love the late shifts at my library now as there is no way i can work at home) to get one essay done and hopefully by Thursday start on the art one. A first for me actually starting essays before the usual two day panic lets see if it actually works as I have always sworn I am one of those people that can only work due to stress. Another reason for the extensive time in the library is the fact our university 'square' is nearly finished which means drunken football societies at 2pm sitting there shouting chants whilst girls in gilets, ugg boots and rip off denim skirts do their make up. I am anti-social but these people are generally idiots and the ones who celebrate St Patrick's day when they have no Irish connection at all but still attempt to insist on one just so they can drink Guinness until their eyes bleed.
Rant over. Its 1.30 am and I'm about to what batman.
Rant over. Its 1.30 am and I'm about to what batman.
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
Spirit of '76
I'm not going to write much about this house show as everyone else has. Jack updated Dorian Gay's wordpress so to save my lazy self from writting it check it out!
Here is a video apryl took of lobewolves and dorian gay. I think other people have footage from the other sets we are just wating for them to appear.
76 Lincoln House Show from a.m. on Vimeo.
All bands played amazing and i'm especially impressed by Manuscripts who at an average age between 16 and 20 their sound is immensly heavy! A memeber even stayed the night at jacks to watch the visual offence show at the marquee and got welcomed to norfolk by getting into a fight at the waterfront. I'm so glad the show went well even after being moved inside. I can't comment of the visual offence show as I had to work but aparantly it was pretty good and everyone I saw afterwards wilst serving them seemed in high spirits (especially all my friends who hadn't realised drinking beer solidly from 1pm will get you pissed).
Anyway if your in norwich please check out the local bands.
keep the scene alive and all that shit that people complain about but do nothing at the same time.
Here is a video apryl took of lobewolves and dorian gay. I think other people have footage from the other sets we are just wating for them to appear.
76 Lincoln House Show from a.m. on Vimeo.
All bands played amazing and i'm especially impressed by Manuscripts who at an average age between 16 and 20 their sound is immensly heavy! A memeber even stayed the night at jacks to watch the visual offence show at the marquee and got welcomed to norfolk by getting into a fight at the waterfront. I'm so glad the show went well even after being moved inside. I can't comment of the visual offence show as I had to work but aparantly it was pretty good and everyone I saw afterwards wilst serving them seemed in high spirits (especially all my friends who hadn't realised drinking beer solidly from 1pm will get you pissed).
Anyway if your in norwich please check out the local bands.
keep the scene alive and all that shit that people complain about but do nothing at the same time.
Saturday, 14 March 2009

In 12 hours time on saturday the 14th March this will be happening.
kinda put on purely so Dorian Gay could play more shows (this being their second one) but also means awesome bands like Lonewolves and maths can play. And we all know house shows are the best kinda shows so get hyped and come along.
pyramids essential
dickheads and lameos are not.
if you need directions/more information
contact Dorian Gays Mayspace
or mine
Despite missing our train to leeds by one minuet due to first buses norwich being unreliable and usually shit and being told we couldn't get a refund on our tickets which resulted in me crying and considering going back to bed, Jack and I managed to risk it on the next train an hour later and managed to get all the way on the four haur train journey without our reservations being checked meaning we got away with it. Fuck you national rail. However due to getting an hour train lae, then missing the peterborough connection and having to wait another 40 mins and More than Life pulling out Lonewolves set was earlier than intially planned so we missed them. Toatal bummer! I always get a sense of pride when I see friends bands in my 'home town' plus they are pretty much solid now oh well house show awaits I guess. Seeing as both aformentioned bands were the only ones we wanted to see we didn't even make an apperance at the TDON all dayer. Instead I attempted to give a brief tour of leeds to the defintion of essex that is jack who had never been this north before. We bought Watchmen Tickets for the cinema and waited on tom, apryl, jim and sam. (tom and the rest of the band had decided to pack up after the show and just leave and jim and sam came to hang).
So with us all in tow we headed to Little Toyko: the second part of the leeds tour for jack as I do consider this place as an essential part of living in leeds. This restraunt is beyond amazing and if you ask any vegan where to eat good animal free food they will point you here! If you ask any meat eater for good food they will too point you here. Below is a picture i took last time I was at little t's when me and tom wen before SYG. The decoration is amazing. on the outside it looks like a small dated hole but inside there is bridge of coy carpe with painted muraled walls and bamboo posts and downstairs a massive fish tank where at the night we saw too sting rays mating-whiched caused alot of discussion.
After debating about this on the way to car we attempted to head back to my house to see my parents and drink tea. I say attmepted because of leeds' moronic one way system that even confuses a native. Seeing as I don't drive and am usually on a bus or am driven into the city I found it difficult to direct tom in his car around the system-this resulted in me sending him down a one way street! (to my defense we were going in the right direction to my house!)After this we turned around and stuck by a red llight that just NEVER changed. we tried blowing and tricking it by moving back and forth. after what must of been 20 mins feeling more like an hour we finallly left leeds city center and headed to the'historic town' of morley! pronounced moor-li! We spent some time talking to my parents who had waited up to see me, played on the wii to which i beat everone at on boxing inculding jack twice as he attmepted to insert his manilyness, drank tea and ate tiger bread. Carbs are my crack.
The next day we headed back into the city to Hyde park aka LS6 aka the 'party post code' where we met mike for tea/lunch. After getting the cafe wrong and having to walk out after ordering tea we walkeda bit further and went to a cafe i spent alot of days at college in eating cheaps and laying down on the 'hippy' furniture. We ate awesome food and discussed again about best wishes (jack will never live this down). mike, rob and victor left us and we drove back into town againvia the restricting one way system. We parked near the cockpit saw stan's van-said hello to some people then walked around for a bit forgetting on a sunday everything closes at 5 which promited american moans from me and america about how in san francisco we could go to record stores and clothing stores at 10pm and STILL BE OPEN. Dear england get with the times! We went to nandos to be dissapointed again by there lack of vege patties so I decided to take everyone to FRY UPs! again another gem from my past where I use to buy chips after a gig/slam dunk at the cockpit.
We then went at hung at the cockpit seeing as this was the last day we would see the polar bear cubs as on tuesday they flew back to america, as usual alot of amaxing youtube clips were show; meeting these guys I have been introduced to 'wheres the gold at', 'Jones Bigg Ass Truck' and 'I'm on a boat'. All genious in moving image form. We missed the first band on due to eating chocolate and chilling but caught the second band lock and keys who were quite good with a female keyboardist/singer thing. I should mention that the show dint take place in the usual mian two rooms but instead upstairs. Ok so I hadn't been to the cockpit in a long time and I understand things change but the upstrais use to be the place to sit on culb nights and play space invaders with your mate when you didnt want to dance to lost prophets. But it actually makes for quite a good space if not VERY cramped and warm. PBC's set was rad and another cover of ten minuets by the get up kids was played making me very happy and sing along! Its a sucks knowing that I have to wait til may to see them play again as I was so good getting to see them alot. You can see pictures and read a review of the show here. After the set we said or goodbyes and headed off back to mine with intentions of playing more mario kart on the wii, instead all four of us fell asleep on my sofas watching family guy.
The enxt day I packed my stuff- said goodbye to my house again and went to the dentist of all places whilst apryl, jack and tom went to some fry up place in hyde park with stan and everyone. After being late for my apointment and a quick 15 minuet filling- my mouth was very numb and I caught the bus from beeston to meet tom and that so we could drive home. They had picked aaron up after breakfast then me and off we travelled. Cabin fever hit after a while of being in the car and my numb mouth dint help very much as I could feel it but obviously not see it. After an hour or so again discussing the cro mags issue with aaron we played family car games like the celebrity name game. After exhausting all teh Y options of names and with only twenty mins left until home jack decided to make up characters so he could win: 'YACKIE CHAN'. This pretty much ended the game and the trip with us all laughing but defeated.
after getting home me and jack slept ALOT and I attempted to shake my northern accent that I picked up whilst being at home.
Viva the North.
Saturday, 7 March 2009
Alot has been going on since I last posted bur right now i'm pretty excited to be going back to Leeds for the weekend.
the north always my home:
This optimisim is surely going to die within the first few hours of stepping foot in the city especially seeing as I'll be at the thirty days of night all dayer seeing LONEWOLVES play and usually hate on alot of people at shows.
oh well for now i'm still happy i'll be doing these things:
seeing my fmaily
having to translate my accent for my friends
little toyko
polar bear club
nintendo wii
drinking lots of tea.
I have to pack but viva north
the north always my home:
oh well for now i'm still happy i'll be doing these things:
seeing my fmaily
having to translate my accent for my friends
little toyko
polar bear club
nintendo wii
drinking lots of tea.
I have to pack but viva north
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
You've got a right to p a r t y
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Cause I'm sure life's about being pissed
I've been sick, for two weeks possibly a combination of smoke inhalation and my immune system hating me but this resulted in me missing class for two weeks and not being able to attend the alternative press fair or Adrian tomine signing. I missed an assessed presentation due to feeling gross and staying in my pj's until 4pm. There goes my resolution about working hard this term. I have been doing other things however:
Like Orange 2 for 1 pizza and cinema deals. I have not made up my mind about defiance as a film. I'm completely confused but I still know its better than Valkyrie. However I love pizza. Broadway Calls played my uni supporting Alkaline trio. This allowed me to geek out I land get all nostalgic over Portland, Oregon as that's where BC hail from/sing about. They are a good band that are under appreciated and I hope them well as they are now signed to sideonedummy records.
This weekend I fully recovered to spend the time in LDN with apryl /see Polar Bear Club and Thomas who was doing merch for them.
Saturday after forgetting our tickets for the Kingston show myself and Apryl hung out with Alfie, Sam and harry at a noodle place after an epic back and forth train ride.
I prefer food to pictures but seeing how excited Alfie was to see PCB again was rad. Kingston was sweet and a get up kids cover was heard and despite headaches being grumpy I had an awesome time. There was no need for epic Kingston travels back to east London as Dalston to Waterloo on the bus is 25 Min's. SCORE
Sunday was Shepperd's bush date supporting Gaslight. We hung out in the hugs shopping complex near the tube stop waiting for tom and anyone else that was having nandos with us.
Apryl and I in the mac store. A 'whut'. After this we ate gross amounts of food and then fretted about getting in to the venue. Stuff worked out we got warm in the hottest dressing room ever and heard 'that's what she said' about 90 times and yet I still find it the best joke second to 'your mum'. PCB played well and seeing the vast amount of space and daunting three tiers scared me shit less so I commend them for playing well.
Getting back to Dalston after the show seemed more problematic as the central line stopped 5 Min's before we got to the station due to goodbyes /whatnot so we attempted buses. after the second one we were in hackney very irritated and I found myself wanting to fight polish drunks who wore calf length trackie bottoms. Not the best idea I had so we just deiced to walk to the gog and sleep.
I woke up Monday morning on the floor in between cushions to apryl telling me blink 182 had reformed. A-mazing.
It's now Tuesday and I have been to class/cleaned/ and planned out the next weekend!
I need to stop thinking I have work every night as its too cold to walk into town just to get it wrong and walk back again for the second night running!
Like Orange 2 for 1 pizza and cinema deals. I have not made up my mind about defiance as a film. I'm completely confused but I still know its better than Valkyrie. However I love pizza. Broadway Calls played my uni supporting Alkaline trio. This allowed me to geek out I land get all nostalgic over Portland, Oregon as that's where BC hail from/sing about. They are a good band that are under appreciated and I hope them well as they are now signed to sideonedummy records.
This weekend I fully recovered to spend the time in LDN with apryl /see Polar Bear Club and Thomas who was doing merch for them.
Saturday after forgetting our tickets for the Kingston show myself and Apryl hung out with Alfie, Sam and harry at a noodle place after an epic back and forth train ride.

Sunday was Shepperd's bush date supporting Gaslight. We hung out in the hugs shopping complex near the tube stop waiting for tom and anyone else that was having nandos with us.

Getting back to Dalston after the show seemed more problematic as the central line stopped 5 Min's before we got to the station due to goodbyes /whatnot so we attempted buses. after the second one we were in hackney very irritated and I found myself wanting to fight polish drunks who wore calf length trackie bottoms. Not the best idea I had so we just deiced to walk to the gog and sleep.
I woke up Monday morning on the floor in between cushions to apryl telling me blink 182 had reformed. A-mazing.
It's now Tuesday and I have been to class/cleaned/ and planned out the next weekend!
I need to stop thinking I have work every night as its too cold to walk into town just to get it wrong and walk back again for the second night running!
Friday, 6 February 2009
the great fire of '76
A week ago I woke up in jacks house at 2pm to a fire alarm. Assuming it was just his housemate burning his lunch we attempted to go back to sleep. A minuet or so later jack got up to see what the fuss was and as he and James (said housemate) opened the door to the kitchen black toxic smoke bellowed out and swear words could be heard. Turns out the kitchen stove was on fire.
After attempting to tackle the fire with first a tea towel then smartly a fire blanket (which I am now making certain is in every house I live in) we called the fire department. The shock of flames and my nostalgia for America made me dial 911 at first but we got to 999 eventually!
The fire team came, as we pointed them in the direction of the fire behind the close door they opened it and were shocked at the amount of smoke which had travelled through the kitchen to the living room. They adorned gas masks and hose and tried to tackle it. after a quick 15 Min's or so of standing in the street in pj's whilst neighbours and perspective student house buyers looked at us the fire men had stopped the fire. Making comments about the oddly decorated house (naked men playing cards, pizza boxes and shopping trolleys in the back garden) then asking a customer service form about how the team performed and if they were anything they could of done better as if a member of a sales team for a phone company the fire team left for us to survey the damage.
What had happened is earlier that day the plumber had fitted a new boiler moving everything away from its surface including a wooden knife block and a bottle of kitchen cleaner onto the cooker hobs. James came in and turned the oven on NOT the hobs and went upstairs.
this was the end result:
Naturally the obvious reaction after the fire was treat was to take pictures of ourselves next to the damage.
The house smelt of smoke everywhere, there was scorch marks and melted substances on the cooker. As you can see in the picture where my hand is that was the boiler. More violent flames or a few more minuets and the fire could of reached this blowing us all up. But thankfully we are all fine.
lesson learnt-stay at my house more often.
After attempting to tackle the fire with first a tea towel then smartly a fire blanket (which I am now making certain is in every house I live in) we called the fire department. The shock of flames and my nostalgia for America made me dial 911 at first but we got to 999 eventually!
The fire team came, as we pointed them in the direction of the fire behind the close door they opened it and were shocked at the amount of smoke which had travelled through the kitchen to the living room. They adorned gas masks and hose and tried to tackle it. after a quick 15 Min's or so of standing in the street in pj's whilst neighbours and perspective student house buyers looked at us the fire men had stopped the fire. Making comments about the oddly decorated house (naked men playing cards, pizza boxes and shopping trolleys in the back garden) then asking a customer service form about how the team performed and if they were anything they could of done better as if a member of a sales team for a phone company the fire team left for us to survey the damage.
What had happened is earlier that day the plumber had fitted a new boiler moving everything away from its surface including a wooden knife block and a bottle of kitchen cleaner onto the cooker hobs. James came in and turned the oven on NOT the hobs and went upstairs.
this was the end result:

The house smelt of smoke everywhere, there was scorch marks and melted substances on the cooker. As you can see in the picture where my hand is that was the boiler. More violent flames or a few more minuets and the fire could of reached this blowing us all up. But thankfully we are all fine.
lesson learnt-stay at my house more often.
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Adrian Tomine
I am one of the hundreds of young people who have a love and lust for comic books. I just found out that Adrian the author of optic nerve and other awesome things is coming to london on the 3rd of Febuary for a singing at GOSH Comics! HOLY FUCK is all that can be said.

For the past few years I have rigiously collected optic nerve and fell head over heels with the awkard dialouge and stories that make you feel like a voyuer in to real lives. When Shortcomings came out, that last three issues of ON but in graphic novel form and summing up the whole story of character Ben Tanaka and his relationships and lifes I read it in two hours, and then read istagain. I cried at Adrians representation of romantic relationships and related that my own fucked up views and feeling about them to his work.

For the past few years I have rigiously collected optic nerve and fell head over heels with the awkard dialouge and stories that make you feel like a voyuer in to real lives. When Shortcomings came out, that last three issues of ON but in graphic novel form and summing up the whole story of character Ben Tanaka and his relationships and lifes I read it in two hours, and then read istagain. I cried at Adrians representation of romantic relationships and related that my own fucked up views and feeling about them to his work.
also the fact that this was created by him makes me love his art:

I highly recommend getting into Optic Nerve and venturing to Gosh. (I'm skipping my third year class to just see him, This is more important than pop punk.) If you can't start at issue one then get shortcomings or his collection of early works and odd bits. You won't be dissapointed!
Thursday, 22 January 2009 all we need is Kris'

Last night was more than my inner geek could of imagined. Kris Roe perfoming most of the tracks from 'Blue Skies, broken hearts, next 12 exists' . The above picture was taken an hour after the show, after waiting around for kris to sell merch and singing 30 second punk songs very loudly in a shambolic way whilst getting 'in formation' for the picture.
'the radio plays a love song.I smash my fist right through the's to the broken hearted.a generation born in denial.'
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Hold on spider monkey
As suspected I severely slacked on updating this, my week before term and the first week have been and gone. My life is amazing right now. I've been 'partying hard' (not really but felt the need to go out in first week and spend time with my boyfriend and friends)
Milkbar, Last Thursday, Po Na Na's Norwich. After the carrier show at the Marquee where we sold cakes and zines and I realised I have no time for a lot of people.
I found out that I got 2.1 in all my art history assements for last terms module on early Greek and roman art which will hopefully bring up my average. (one resolution already met). What would Henry Rollins Do? is slowly getting there, its all made now we just need people to actually buy the thing. I'm not going to rant about the state of the scene or any issues about what punk and DIY is but please dont complain about the lack of community when you wont even buy something that is less than a t-shirt that will make you look cool and a lot more interesting. oh wait that was a rant.
I found out that I got 2.1 in all my art history assements for last terms module on early Greek and roman art which will hopefully bring up my average. (one resolution already met). What would Henry Rollins Do? is slowly getting there, its all made now we just need people to actually buy the thing. I'm not going to rant about the state of the scene or any issues about what punk and DIY is but please dont complain about the lack of community when you wont even buy something that is less than a t-shirt that will make you look cool and a lot more interesting. oh wait that was a rant.
My mood towards uni has completely shifted again now I've started classes.Modules I'm taking for my term are quite interesting; contemporary drama and film, American art and photography. Both I think summarize what I've learnt in my last 5 years of higher education. All of a sudden it doesn't feel so much of a waste. Again give it three weeks. The first module require the reading of two plays a week and this has already got my imagination and mind excited. I already recommend:
and play or film by Mike Leigh. Topsy Turvy if you feel you are up for it perhaps.
Also perhaps a less academic book referral but this:
Yes the target audience of this is confused 13 year old angst ridden teenagers who perhaps found a CD of boys wearing eyeliner and features a storyline that can only be described as a vampire love story but this appeals to my inner teenager and I enjoy letting out that side of me (perhaps more than I should). But honestly this book and the film are wonderful verging on terrible but still wonderful and produce lines like 'you are my personal brand heroin' and 'that's my monkey man'! Also the film features
Beautiful. I am going again this afternoon to see it again and cry with laughter at how this film would do been in my dream 7 years ago!
Also Lonewolves have just been signed to Thirty Days of Night which as awesome for them and for you as they are a Rad band. go check them out: !
Also listen to
Darkest Hour-undoing Ruin
As i lay dying- through shadows and security
Gold Kids

Also perhaps a less academic book referral but this:
Also Lonewolves have just been signed to Thirty Days of Night which as awesome for them and for you as they are a Rad band. go check them out: !
Also listen to
Darkest Hour-undoing Ruin
As i lay dying- through shadows and security
Gold Kids
Thursday, 8 January 2009
What Would Henry Rollins Do?
Its a question I'm sure everyone has on their minds at least once in a life time. And If you don't know Henry Rollins is I'm not sure I want you reading my blog. However for those that do an awesome new Zine is in the works by an awesome person and with contributions from myself, Friends and awesome bands means its shaping up to be a rad project. So check it out, not to sound like a cliched hardcore kid but- Support the DIY scene!
www. myspa
and the blog it all started from
www. whatw
Monday, 5 January 2009
Lepisma saccharina
The fish moth, urban silverfish, or just silverfish.

These things are currently residing in my student house bathroom. The one that is next to my bedroom. They have lived there for as long as I have been in this house and no matter how many attempts I squash their friends and place a heater in the room to dry them out they still like to taunt me and make my skin crawl.
These things are currently residing in my student house bathroom. The one that is next to my bedroom. They have lived there for as long as I have been in this house and no matter how many attempts I squash their friends and place a heater in the room to dry them out they still like to taunt me and make my skin crawl.
You Should Listen to...
An uplifting record that you can't help listen, shake and smile to.
Give it a chance
Give it a chance
Sunday, 4 January 2009
A positive start to a new year is not something I am use to but the feeling is something I could learn to live with. Despite having to travel four hours/working at a bar New Years was rad times. Spending the first two hours at work would not be an idle place but still kept a smile on my face. Then many failed attempts at finding parties saw myself, Tom, Apryl, Aaron and Wes in my room laughing a drunk teddy bear like figure and discussing 'friends family and loyalty' haha.Four Hours sleep later a Road Trip with Tom and Apryl to meet Jack then go see the Steal:
The Steal - 'Kids With Kids' / 'The Steal'
A Tour Starting on New Years Day is a heavy task for sure but this show was a perfect setting for a new year and set the tone for hopefully things to come. After this seeing the new year was spent amazingly but that's all I have to say about that.
So Now I'm back in Norwich with a week left until term starts and everyone arrives (six days!) the plan is to organise/get on top of the work load and life so I can get a 2.1 and be 18 grand in debt for something. Also looking forward to turning 21, spending times with be bests, only leading one life this year and being happy. To be a cliché I’ve made resolutions however these are not the usual middle aged ones that get broken by February but rather small things I want to see happen in my life that I slacked on severely not only last year but the year before.
1. Go to the Cinema once a week.
This was influenced by a Christmas present of a cinema gift card by a relative. As a Film Student I should be making the effort to see films and ignoring that I am generally a geek not only about watching films but going to the cinema itself as an experience. Watching Australia on Boxing Day made reminded me of this with its resemblance to early twentieth century epics like Gone With the Wind.
2. Read more, for leisure.
This semester I’m taking contemporary drama theory that requires me to read a play a week on top of this there will be the extensive art reading for American photography but I wish to set aside at half an hour a day, maybe before bed or just instead of watching the Paul o’ Grady show to reading a book non course related. People really don’t read enough and I do not wish to be one of them.
3. Go to the gym
So yes I am a cliché in terms of this but at least I’m already a member. However when I was stressed the gym helped me to just forget and I do occasionally join it. This resolution is a joint one with my friend Andrea so it should be easier to obtain.
4. Visit friends.
I never made much of an effort with this which is a horrible thing to say but after college your friends disburse and you get into the loop of only seeing them on break. Hull is my first stop for sure and then Leeds for everyone I never got to see in the past years! Also even the people In Norwich that I hardly see. However I also want to spend more time with those that I already do. Lazy days!
5. Volunteer at a women’s shelter or non profit organisation.
Providing I can find one in Norwich non profits were and still are a big art of my life since summer and to just be there once a week I will a) feel more fulfilled within my self, b) know I have helped c) got out of the house.
6. Food shop.
This will aid me in eating better, but actually buying proper food will force me too cook meals that are not stir frys and pasta ( albeit tasty). Basically stop being a student that I reverted to last semester! Also bin the smash packet that's on my shelf.
7. Apply for come dine with me
More of a dream then a resolution but it must happen, bringing good vegan food to the masses.
8. Fuck this country.
With Copenhagen’09, Las Vegas ’09, Portland ’09 on horizon this should be easy to do however Money permitting I would also like to see more of America, Europe and eventually see Africa and Asia. This might be a life resolution rather than a year one.
9.Pass my course.
so yeah actually do my course related reading and essay in time and don’t let personal issues such as heartbreak and mind fucks ruin ANOTHER semester and my future.
Records of the year will follow later.
So here's to a new beginnings you fucks!
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